Hippolyta and Theseus
Hippolyta was the Amazonia queen who possessed a magical girdle, she is also the daughter of Ares, the god of war.
Her name means to 'let loose'.
Heracles was given a series of tasks to perform one of his tasks was to retrieve the belt of Ares from Hippolyta. Hippolyta was torn because she knew what the belt symbolized to herself as well as to her people.
After Hercules took her love and her magical girdle, she knew that she needed to support her people but how without any power.
She had an obligation to her own people, the Amazons, as well as her own responsibilities. Theseus sailed miles to see Hippolyta again after a 'festival' where she caught his eye by dancing with her sister. He wanted to marry her, but she didn't feel the same. Although flattered, she refused his offer. As she turned to leave the boat, she didn't realize that the boat had left the dock and Theseus had kidnapped her to make her his wife.
Theseus was a mythical king that saved Athens from the war of destruction.
(Theseus was a founding hero for the Athenians in the same way that Hercules was the founding hero for the Dorians).
Theseus was married twice before Hippolyta.
He and Hippolyta had a son named Hippolytus.
He ended his life by drinking poison because he couldn't live without his wife or son. His throne was overtaking before the position kicked in by a woman named Medea.